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Thank you for letting us serve you in your journey to find unique small Carolina owned businesses and save money!  We are working hard and will eventually expand this resource for you from this inaugural edition to all areas of the Carolinas with different editions as we grow.

TIPS on using this site:

  • An activated or moving icon denotes the current area you are located.

  • The 'Trophy' icon in the upper right corner showcases the featured businesses that have achieved #1 status within one of our proprietory internal algorithms and have proven to significantly support our mission in more ways than one!

  • The 'Scroll' icon in the upper left corner represents the ‘Directory View’ that allows browsing of all 7 categories which are as follows:

  1. Shopping

  2. Services

  3. Lodging

  4. Entertainment

  5. Dining

  6. Drinks

  7. Dessert

  • Selecting any of the 7 category icons on the bottom navigation bar will filter just those results for your browsing pleasure.

  • If listings appear blank while navigating back and forth, simply reload page.

  • If icons in bottom menu are hiding, just scroll down a little bit to make them magically appear! This is a glitch we are figuring out!

  • In addition to extensive 'Sub-Category' Browsing, look forward to future additional features that will include a ‘Map View’ and 'Event Calendar'!

Enjoy and remember to stay calm when anxiously saving a whole lot of money!Want to further grow your Carolina business?  Message us below and a team member will contact you shortly about joining our one-of-a-kind 'contribution based' marketing platform.

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